I must start by saying Holyweirds obsession with making every major role that black women recieve a lesbian role is tiring. Quite frankly I’m sick of it. Every major movie that black women have been in that I have watched has has a black women as the main character but she has been butch and she has been gay. It’s like they are trying to meet their black, and gay quota all in one character, and I’m sick of it. We hardly get roles as it is. Stop being lazy and meet your quota by having two different characters How about trying to be really inclusive for a change where are the beautiful feminine heterosexual lead roles for black women. You always have them for white women. Why is it you want create these dynamics with our roles? We want to be seen as beautiful as well.The MAJORITY OF US ARE HETEROSEXUAL. I have seen this agenda pushed in Lighyear,jarrasic park,first kill,Thor,Yellowjackets. Enough is enough why do yal want to take away our beauty and sexuality it’s like.Hollywood is threatened by the black woman. Also on all these movies not only are we gay we are gay and hitting on or in love with , or trying yo date white women. It’s like they are trying to put in the heads of little black girls that they are inferior. Pay attention guys an agenda is being pushed. Stay woke.All I’m all I hated Keke’s character I hate that she even took the role. She should’ve saw this coming a mile away. And her over use of the N /word just got on my nerves. I hate that I wasted my time with this movie.