The Good Fight is a fantastic, clever, philosophical and educational satire. Don't watch unless you are prepared to be educated (by cartoon and song), and possibly have your beliefs challenged - it is very up front from the outset, about its leftist political leanings.
Season 5 is an almost fantastical representation of the seemingly lucid dream that is the pan-pandemic/post-pandemic world.
One example I particularly love in this season is Judege Wacker and his Court at 9 3/4. Our belief in "The Structure": Our Judicial, Political, Cultural and Geo-political institutions; are something made up by a few, (and no I don't mean deep-state *eye-roll*) and only exists because the rest of us accept it. These beliefs have been rocked by the reality that EVERYTHING can change in a moment. The 9 3/4 Court, cheekily represents how, a person or group of people, with a strong set of beliefs and motivation, can create a judicial structure that others will invest in and adhere to. Where else to find meaning than in a tribute to Harry Potter?
When everyone else is doing social satire through sci-fi dystopia or zombie horror, The Good Fight represents the mad weirdness that is human behaviour, in a believably realistic way. Give it a go and challenge your brain.