The show is wonderful, Cousin Dougie is really a smart gentlemen and he knows his stuff, the daughter Allysa is great and very smart to be able to work with the all men on the show and their ego's, the painter needs to stop being a prick, he has the typical "I'm a painter" attitude and thinks everyone else thinks he knows nothing else but how to paint. The reality is he should take it done a notch and get off high horse and take a chill pill. The boss has a funny care free attitude he is the BOSS and that shows, he also like Cousin Dougie knows his stuff, he's stern but not a prick and his humor is great also I would love to be trained by him or Cousin Dougie. The show is one of the best in how much they explain in detail how everything works and goes together!
This is my opinion and not meant to butt hurt anyone and their feelings, oh also I almost forgot the new guy he has a great attitude and should be very proud of his work, his pride in his work shows and he and Allysa should probably get more air time they both make the show even better than it is and I would have to say without them the show would really suck.