It's Very Bad... They made Jill a flirty and a joker Garbage... And they made Leon a drunkard Dirty As hell (they are not suitable to roleplay as Jill and Leon)... And how would Wesker their friend and turns out their enemy and then he died🙃?? Oh and Wesker and Jill are Lovers??😂🙃I'm a bit confused... Ada,Chris,Claire was badass in this film, for Wesker He didn't wear the clothes where the Wesker wear in Game series.. and the CGI was Bad... I can only tell that this Film is Low Budget and Low-key... It was almost connectted to Games but the CGI was Bad and the Characters looks Bad!!.. I enjoy watching this Film but it's just to Garbage for me... Anderson RE Movie was pretty Badass even though it's not close to the Game. And this movie WTRC..It's just Bad and Lowkey 🙃... So imma give this 3/10