Not one thing in the entire movie seemed realistic, from the reactions of the characters to the progression of events. They never even explained why couldn’t burning or dismemberment work anymore, when it it has been so canon in the previous movies? Everything was so mediocre that I was so pissed that the aunt and the little girl survived in the end. I wanted them to die and the demon to win. Why would the boy enter that hole in the basement right after the earthquake hit and not even get scared and flee while looking for stuff in there, and he was searching for things as if he’s a seasoned explorer who knows what he’s looking for. And he managed to fetch only the book and the record which happened to be the most important and also tied together in the process of summoning the demon and he didn’t grab anything else? This was only the beginning of the progressive stupidity I witnessed in every second of the movie afterwards. From the behaviour of everyone it seemed that they had no intention of running away the first time the possession happened nor scream in horror, they all had such expressionless faces and calm demeanour while talking, who in the right mind would behave like this? I can talk for hours about the mediocrity of the film and still not cover everything. I’m done with people who actually loved this mediocrity, it says a lot about them and the vast population of this world I think. The standard is set so low and I know venting out my frustration for them ruining the evil dead franchise with this pathetic movie won’t do anything. Anything can come after this and it would still be good, that’s how bad this movie was.