I don’t know where all of the 5 star reviews are coming from. Every one of them seems to praise the show like it was the best thing ever created lol. This show was definitely wayyy over-hyped. If you have the maturity and intellect of a 3rd grader you might enjoy this show, and even then that is a big maybe.
I found this shows casting to be unbelievably ridiculous, one of the worst castings for a big production from the creators of the game of thrones…. It literally blows my mind that they managed to find F-tier actors and hire them on for this and a large group of people like them knowing they were terrible actors… just doesn’t make sense.
Also this story’s plot and storyline are among the worst I have seen. Its story was beyond hyper unrealistic, like to the point it’s not even believable Science Fiction. The plot was changing locations every 5 minutes and the story was changing so much and so fast all the time it was hard to keep up and puzzle everything together and figure out where in the hell you are in the show.
The only real positives I found in this show was the CGI quality was good and it had some beautiful locations. The cinematography itself was also very good for the show, and a lot of the ideas behind the show are good but horribly executed and completely botched.
This show was one of the most Over-Hyped TV shows that truly disappointed me majorly. I would advise most people to skip this unless you truly have nothing better to do and all the time in the world to kill.