Spoilers (Be warned)
The biggest issue I had with the show is that I know that the so called Vanaratchi only kills doucebag. I could not careless when they are killed.
There are some attempts to make the monster seem like some scary monster from an urban legend. It just kinda falls flat.
There are some mysteries which are actual mysteries in the show but it's far too little and does not intrigue me because the main case is so boring. Again because it is pretty obvious what's going on by some point.
There is a lesbian subplot in this and another love/marriage subplot in this. I felt it was wasting time more than anything.
Also the whole hero inspector with trauma thing has been done to death. I felt it added nothing to the plot.
I understand that the director wanted to add arcs and so on for the characters but it did not feel natural or needed.
Despite an interesting premise, the pacing of the show is middling at best.
It isn't intriguing enough to hold my attention. I just finished the show purely because it was a lazy Saturday for me and I just wanted to watch something. By the end, I just wanted the show to be over.