Surprisingly good and entertaining, took me a while to connect the dots and see it was a no more than a" 50 shades of grey" copycat, but in its own way. I found it more romantic and erotic than "50 shades ". Massimo didn't force her to come back to him, she came willingly, no harm or sadistic behavior of "50 shades". The scenario was great, Sicily was so charming, the Norman (?!Roman, Knights Templar, etc..)castle great , shopping, yacht( cherry on top of cake). The plot got increasingly tense at the end. Overall a great movie, watched it again with my wife and 3rd time alone. Massimo's actor was excellent so the whole cast , although I would prefer DAKOTA JOHNSON as Massimo's crush. My biased towards foreign movies got smashed. Watching it on my 8k 75 inches TV with its superb sound system and my reclining leather sofa surpasses the movie theater experience, especially in these days .