I'm not sure why we needed this movie at all if it was going to be...this. The entire plot point is senseless garbage that gets drug along by rehashed uses of scenes and cinematography from the previous entries in the, unfortunately now, trilogy.
The characters seem forced more often than not and their genuine feel and creativity is not anymore developed by anything on screen...rather it is actually detrimental because of very weak, uninspired writing from someone we expect more from quite honestly. The constant "Baby Branding" would be worthwhile if not for the fact that it becomes tiresome and irritatingly unnecessary very quickly on. Sheri seems like an actress in love with her craft but she simply isn't strong enough to carry so much screen time portraying a sometimes lobotomized version of a character that functions completely fine in a co-lead role.
Rob Zombie had an introduction to this film that felt uninspired, flat, and like the setup for something that was best left unsaid. The end of the last film worked and left us satisfied. The beginning of this one undid all of that while setting up one of the more mundane film experiences the audience has been offered in this genre.
Limited release was the only way to hype this film up and honestly it cannot be out of the theaters fast enough.