The biggest draw of The Show series is their Road to The Show career mode. However, the new archetype system for Road to the Show makes the game into just a grind, and I don't actually feel attached to my player. Its just a grind to get to the diamond level with the archetypes, and you dont even get all the diamond perks if you finish every type. There are frame rate issues on the PS4 version that make the game stutter at random times, probably because the game is played in a thunderstorm 60% of the time. Your player has certain equipment they can use, but the game has a hard time tracking the equipment and stats if you switch your player archetype loadout too often. Since they want you to be a two-way player, this happens quite a bit, and has tremendously slowed down the gameplay. I now have to double-check my loadouts before each game. Its simple things that I thought would have either been improved on or added, that are either not there or are a total mess. As heavy as baseball is with stats, there isnt many of the new stats to view and its unfortunate that they still havent been added. This was clearly a move by a game developer or publisher to try and influence you into paying more to enjoy a game that is already expensive. Even though this game was on sale when I bought it for $40, I am still incredibly disappointed in this game. I would not even recommend waiting until its cheaper, or buying it a couple years from now. There are more problems I have with this game, but I do not wish to write a full length article on why you should not purchase this game. Just dont.