Isabel May is way too pretty to play this role and have the story feel authentic for a situation that is suppose to take place in 1883...especially with the shinny hair and the eyeliner under her eyes. She looks straight out of 1990's. Only thing that could have made it worse is if they sculpted her eyebrows.
Not only her look was off, but her attitude was horrible. Having sex with one cowboy and then he dies and she is already on top of the next. I have no respect for Taylor Sheridan and his views of people...It makes it worse that he is a pretty boy...Like he missed the chance to understand people in the real world and his take on the Elsa Dutton character is very reflective of this pretty boy perception.
Taylor Sheridan turned down makeup's advice when they tried to make their teeth less white. Taylor Sheridan would rather have the pearly whites back in 1883!
Lastly, when they went across river that pissed me off a lot. #1, why wouldn't you just float the piano/important stuff over, across the rope? Instead you are going to leave it there?
Also...I could not understand how they put all their food in one wagon and then had some scared women drive the wagon over the water? Why? Why not have someone who knows what they are doing drive the wagons across the river? ...Especially the one with all the food on it!
How Taylor Sheridan can write this scene is so bad. They had to make 100 cuts during the scene, as it would not have looked authentic on camera to film people drowning feet from 100 people just watching them drown in 3 feet of water.
One other bad part was when the bandits where going to rob the man and woman and ended up getting jumped instead... that was also a very unauthentic scene. If someone is watching a man and woman by their wagon and is about to rob them, don't try to make it seem like the man and woman somehow tricked them by hiding. How can you hide when a group of robbers are watching you from a distance? The cut scenes are so bad and without them, the entire movie doesn't even film.
I think almost ever scene can be ripped apart and made to look foolish. The concept of this show was a good one, yet Taylor Sheridan was not the man for the job. You ever look at Taylor Sheridan? You can't have a sharp and gritty mind when you look like him. It is the law of nature and this film is proof.
Isabel May made this show hard to watch and Taylor Sheridan is the reason why.