An absolute masterpiece that was incredibly far ahead of its time. SW: Republic Commando came out in 2005, and to this day I have a copy of it on my Nintendo Switch. Even if I get bored of any other game, I'll jump on the Switch and fire up Republic Commando on Hard difficulty and I'm hooked. Rather than what most FPS games do today (and even back then) which is having multiple different weapons, you and the entirety of Delta Squad are equipped with DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, capable of swapping from assault to heavy anti-armor to sniper modes. You also come with a DC-17s blaster pistol which recharges ammo over a few seconds (incredibly handy) and a fifth weapon slot for picking up weapons from fallen enemies. SW: Republic Commando also employs a Squad leader mechanic, allowing you to order your fellow members of Delta Squad to Form Up (follow me) Search and Destroy (offensive formation) Secure Area (hold position) as well as take up sniper, anti-armor, grenadier positions, disarm traps, slice terminals, place demo charges, use bacta stations, focus fire on specific enemies. The tactics you can employ onto the battlefield are endless, and those tactics are going to be what make or break each encounter for you, especially if you play on Hard difficulty. On top of the weapons and tactics, Republic Commando featured something that I had not seen in any other game from the Star Wars series. Unlike the classic SW: Battlefront 1 & 2 (both of which I had countless hours on) you and the rest of Delta Squad do not outright die from a fatal injury. Republic Commando features a "Revive" mechanic, where if you are downed and the remainder of Delta Squad are still up and fighting, you'll be faced with the options to Maintain Current Orders, Recall and Revive or Reload Last Save, depending on the situation. I cannot recommend this game highly enough. Growing up playing this game, I loved it to death. To this day, I still love it to death. Anyone looking at reviews, if you read through this and have been debating on getting it, I urge you to buy and play Star Wars: Republic Commando. It has ported versions for Playstation, Xbox, Steam and Nintendo Switch.