This movie is an outstanding portrayal of the Spiritual War for our souls, moreover, it's the best I've ever seen regarding an accurate picture of that War against Powers and Principalities! Absolutely riveting is an understatement! The lead actor, Flanery, deserves an Oscar for his performance. You wouldn't think that a movie with just two principals talking to each other throughout would be that gripping, but this one is unforgettable, and they complemented each other well! Nefarious is a morality play where you see the truth of the demonic at work endlessly for our souls! If this doesn't give you a wakeup call that the devil and hell exist, nothing will! I can't recommend it highly enough! You won't ever forget it, of that be assured, as it addresses the evil of our time in terms of the sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance like no other movie I've ever seen! Its warning is "Don't ever let your guard down" as satan prowls the world for the ruin of our souls till we draw our last breath!