This story is false.
It is a lie and it paves the way for Satan to twist the mind of the people in these last days,
The Bible does not teach this.
No where does it say that God was displeased with Noah.
Noah praise God and prayed always.
The pregnancy would not have been a gift or blessing from his great grandpa, because it would have been a blessing from God. They all would have thanked God.
Praises God and prepared the way for Jesus by sacrificing a lamb for there sins and transgressions against God’s Law. They would have kept the Sabbath holy as they were taught from eden. 6 days of creation=work 1 day of Rest on the seventh day of the week, because God himself rested in that day it is holy and then that day was give a blessing by God himself at creation. What God has blessed no man can unbless. That’s in the Bible.
Noah didn’t rebel against God.
Noah never would have taken God’s place here, so he wouldn’t have said be fruit and Multiply because those are God’s words, so he would have accredited it to God.
No one can take away or added there own to God’s inspired word. This movie is a sin. Man choose to sin after the flood. They were not alone on the earth, because Satan and the fallen angels are here too. God destroyed the wicked because they were ever sinning and there was no salvation for them. The first death all are just sleeping and it’s no big deal to God. When Jesus comes all will be awaken in the resurrection good first and sinful unsaved second.
God has a plan for salvation of humans that can live in a pure clean heaven. Lions will eat grass. Nothing will die.
Read the Bible the words are inspired by God and have God truth in them. Pray
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