So I'm a couple of hours in now and so far realy enjoying it. If you are into a single player game with a a good narrative and some survival horror this is the game for you. (Trying not to spoil anything) the story is not how I expected it to go at first which to be fair is good and keeps the game fresh. There is some controversy surrounding the LGBTQ aspect where as other developer's have tried to push this agenda into there games and it feels quite unnatural and forced *cough* battlefield 5... the way naughty dog have done it feels right, it feels real and the characters almost are like real people inbetween bludgeoning zombies heads to pieces 😂. This isn't some kind of rushed multiplayer title that costs £50 and bombards you with micro transactions, you get a solid immersive story driven game. Make no mistakes this isn't some kind of happy fantasy politically correct game its brutal and violent, but what an experience 10/10 nice one naughty dog 👍