Can't really recommend it. Pretty stupid movie about a pretty stupid guy doing a whole bunch of pretty stupid stuff non-stop continuously, in the guise of having fun trying to pursue his supposed poetry writing brilliant genius career. Never bought it.
Whole movie including Matthews performance had a trying too hard, desperate to be hip, cool, laid back veneer to it. Never rang true. Snoop saying 'mother f'er all the time and Mathew with a newfound sociopath buddy smashing (spoiler) an old retiree on his electric scooter passing by in his head with a beer bottle in order to get a little more spending green to continue having more incredibly stupid mindless fun... just was not fun for me. Sorry. Guess I'm just unhip and inadequate to the sublime pleasures of such entertainments.
I like Mathew and respect him as an excellent great actor. Just look no further than
'The Lincoln Lawyer', 'Killer Joe', 'Gold', 'Dallas Buyers Club', 'Interstellar' among many other favorites, and especially 'Mud', as proof positive of the greatness and wide ranging versatility of his acting. But this one disappointed. Did not live up to past heights. I'm guessing it (ignoring the senior citizen head bashing leaving him unconscious in the middle of the night sprawled on the pavement without a second thought, to go have more mindless drunken stupid stoner doper fun) looked good on paper. And I imagine the paycheck was satisfying enough.
But man, not the best showcase for your talents dude.
Wanted and pretty much expected to like it at least reasonably well going in. But it didn't take long at all to feel that expectation and hope slipping away. Although there were some mildly enjoyable mini bits sprinkled throughout it here and there, I still had a surprisingly strong urge to walk out a couple of times just for the sheer monumentally mindless depths of stupid stupidity of it all. But I stuck it out bro, right up to the weak, limp, nonsensical, unredeeming, unsatisfying, and of course very stupid end.
So I guess it's clear I'll not be recommending it today. Not as bad as poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but I'll pass on both the sharp stick and really wouldn't have missed much of anything had I missed this one.
Better luck on the next one Matt and I will go see you in that one, based your exemplary past accomplishments and my faith in you bro. But please bro, just please do try to sidestep, avoid, go nowhere near, another rank steaming turkey pile like this one in the future, ok man?