Despite some good science at the start, travelling near the speed of light to achieve Earth-like gravity - and some intriguing scenes with Pattison and his baby - the plot quickly descends into a mashup of gratuitously dark psychobabble that even Pattison couldn't save.
We already knew about Hawking Radiation and being sucked into a black hole stretches any object to oblivion, not to mention a plethora of exploding human heads, yet to collect energy for our dying planet. Therefore a very expensive, albeit futile mission, having left dangerous, unmonitored criminals to do the job. A bit far fetched and a huge expense that would render Elon Musk penniless.
The model-making and sets were also rather poor. We were hardly expecting Cohen's "Gravity 2013." The interior of the "7" designated spaceship, however, is more indicative of a budget 1970s Youth Hostel. It's interstellar exterior like shipping containers held together with string. The unfortunate runabouts reminded us of 1930s Flash Gordon, with vinyl-like space suits barely appropriate for the near absolute zero of Outer Space.
Sylvia and Gerry Anderson could have done better - not to mention model-making undergrad students more worthy of the cost. The wonderful "Dark Star" directed by John Carpenter (1974) comes to mind. As for the dogs - who let them out?!"