Well-executed production, directed by Christopher Nolan, portraying moments in the life of brilliant scientist and compelling leader, Robert Oppenheimer.
The movie takes us through an engaging series of moments (through analepsis and prolapses (flashback, flashforward)) to convey how Robert Oppenheimer came to play a most crucial role in a key event in U.S. and World history.
At moments, I felt personal victory for him, and also felt his pain. Oppenheimer was driven to succeed in the face of adversity, but the magnitude of his personal and professional triumph would be felt.
Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin powerfully captured the era, as well as the political, interpersonal, and personal struggles of Robert Oppenheimer, Lewis Strauss (U.S. AEC), and other key characters.
True to period in production and costume design. Kudos to two very accomplished women who led these aspects: Ellen Mirojnick and Ruth de Jong.
Robert Downey, Jr. deserves an Oscar for his performance…. Wow. Just wow. But, best actor will likely go to Cillian Murphy for his perfect interpretation and execution in lead role. Noteworthy performance by Emily Blunt as his 2nd wife.