Go re-watch the first two Predator movies, then watch Prey. You’ll see why this movie deserves one star. A 5’4, 100 lbs. waif who has never hunted anything before, slaughters an entire fur trappers encampment full of giant, burly men with muskets and also kills a Predator without getting a single scratch. Call me misogynistic, toxic, or whatever other term for being non-woke is popular this week, but action stars need to look the part. Or have enough character development as a legit badass to be believable in their role. The lead in this movie was not believable as a badass in the least bit. Also, what’s the point of touting a whole Native American cast (which has been the main focal point for most of the promotion for the movie) if they’re gonna speak almost entirely in English and use some modern speech patterns and slang? One more thing, this is a franchise movie, how about stepping up the CG game just a tad.