I know my review isn't going to change the Google rating by much, but figured I'd post it since its clear that the people giving it one star or bad reviews are all either paid, trolls, or your typical run of the mill, media-brainwashed conformists with the inability to think for themselves. I paid little to no attention to politics until I became a mother 2 years ago. My whole family and bloodline in the past several decades and as far back as i know was democrat. Not coincidentally, once I ACTUALLY started to really pay attention and think for myself (not just believe what my TV says or the first result google gives me) and when my values began to have real, clear, outlined definitions as a mother and citizen of the U.S......i started to see the lies and corruption. I will not affiliate myself with any one political party. I refuse to attach that label to myself and my identity. And I will raise my daughter to think for herself and research before making any significant de isions (when it comes to voting, things we put on/in our bodies, etc). This movie was excellent. My husband whose a history buff and former Democrat fact checked all of it..... its all true.