6 or 7 outa 10..
idk.. eughhh, i excpected SO MUCH more and got SO MUCH less, so many scenes/and quotes, that i was anticipating for, did not deliver or never happened at all, where is the "dory/you can stop swimming now lily", or the the magnet THE MAGNET YALL, oh my god that wouldve made this movie 10 times better stg..
and i feel like in this show they delivered ryle's abusive side so differently(in a bad way) like in the book, you loved him right, but ended up HATING him, but in the movie, they made his actions seem a little okay?.. not okay, yeah they did make him wrong which he is but UGH IDK like in the book, the stairs/ the potential r@pe, etc seemed so much more violent and scary, where in the movie it was like making us think(okay it wasnt that bad, she over reacting) not that i thought that, but thats what the movie made it seem like, less violent, and we didnt even get the apology scene from ryle like in the books, he enever apologized? after biting her and after lily left, they iteralyl met again when he came to help her wih the crib, and there never was an apology? like excuse me? and Atlas, ugh they literally pushed him aside as a side character, barely there, the other ACTUAL side characters, were more involved than him, which was soooo disappointing. and, i LOVE blake, and ive seen a couple of her movies, yet i feel like her acting was the worst in this one.. im sorry but i didnt feel like im watching Lily Bloom, it felt like im just watching Blake act as Blake..? you know what i mean? like from the books, the lily i know does not laugh 24/7 and giggle about everything and so idk? justin got ryle just right in my opinon same with atlas, but lily.. i felt like wasnt done that well. my fav thing about this movie was the past scenes/younger lily and atlas, i loved lvoed loveddd so much.
All in all, i feel like this movie was very.. confusing..? even tho i read the books(and LOVED them) it was a little over the place, and imagine how someone that never read the book, watches the movie would proccess it? it was hella confusing and i feel like only the people that read the books woulod nderstand it better, cuz with all the missing things from the books, it took a way a big part of the plot/story, and dindt deliver the message clearly.