El autor nos ofrece, con cariño y honestidad, el legado de vida de un ser querido. No hace exageraciones, pero tampoco concede atenuantes, al narrar las diversas circunstancias y aventuras que enfrentó el protagonista durante su azarosa vida. Mantiene un estilo ágil y elegante que, además, no deja de aprovechar con acierto el vocabulario popular de la región jalisciense de México.
Con alegría y orgullo puedo decir, a quien se atreva a darle una oportunidad a este libro, que encontrará un extraordinario espejo de mi cultura, de mi gente, de mi tierra natal.
The author offers us, with affection and honesty, the legacy and experience of a loved one. He does not exaggerate, but neither does he grant extenuating circumstances, narrating the various adventures that the protagonist faced during his eventful life. He maintains an agile and elegant style, which also does not fail to take advantage of the opportunities to use the popular vocabulary of the Jalisco region of Mexico.
With joy and pride I can say, to those who dare to give this book a chance, that they will find an extraordinary mirror of my culture, of my people, of my homeland.