First thought upon watching this movie, “dang, I should’ve just watched the previews and left it at that”. I genuinely hated this movie from about 30 minutes after it started to the end. They introduced the main characters that was cool, set up a good base plot ok, then completely went off the rails like someone did coke and just started spewing ideas out with nothing of substance. I’m currently at this moment watching the scene where they just found Felix’s body (thank me later for the spoiler). In my personal opinion in this case opposites do not attract, you cannot have a thriller and a comedy. And we’re “supposedly” tying things together at this point, however to my knowledge there’s not a whole lot of things to tie up in this utter chaos of a movie. We’re at the point where Oliver is crying while having sex with dirt…like what!?! And now we’re at the end, and it’s tying all the things together and guess what, still a bad movie. Oof 😥