even if this game was only 4-ish hours long, it was probably the most unique and greatest gaming experience i've had since i first started playing tf2 or dying light. stray is up there with one of my favorite games of all time, and has brought foward this strange love of cats i never knew i had. the game did leave me wanting more, and i almost feel kind of nostalgic when i see the cute little protagonist, but i think that's kind of a good thing. it left an impact on me, and became memorable. much like my early days of tf2, gradually taking my first steps into becoming an annoying scout main, trying to learn what maps i liked most and how they were structured, or the first time i encountered a cheater who gave me OP items in dying light. i even liked this game so much, i did a second playthrough just to get all the memories and badges. the memories were to see if there was an alternate ending (spoiler alert, there isn't, you just get a cooler jacket which i was perfectly content with) and the badges were just so my little kitty could be dripped out.
i'd give this game a solid 10/10 from my heart, but purely from a game viewpoint, probably an 8 or 9/10. i love this game, and i would love if there was a sequel or some sort of DLC. i wouldn't be too mad if there isn't, but i need to know if the protagonist cat finds his other kitty friends.
TL;DR: cat game good