Usually sequels sometimes go on to be worst that the first movie but this one really really set the tone for what a sequel should be. Tom Cruise and the cast did a phenomenal job. The movie is truly engaging from start to finish. I am not trying to spoil anything but they did a great job from start to finish engaging you as the movie begins. The cast was on point they all did a great job. There were a few parts of the movie that really pissed me off but I guess it all worked out in the end for the greater good of the flow of things. Lol if you haven’t seen this movie go out and see it now. Even if you haven’t seen the first movie from 1986 you’ll be fine. I really love how they had those flashbacks and such to the first movie. The Top Gun theme returning and hearing that good Ol Danger Zone really got me hyped it had me singing the entire song while the movie was playing. One huge surprise for me was seeing Val Kilmer! I am so glad he was able to be apart of the experience. I felt so many emotions while Tom and Val were onscreen just remembering their relationship from the first movie and how things turned out now is amazing. Like I said before if you haven’t seen it GO!