Absolutely charming and marvelous game. Unique, fun, cute, mysterious and heartfelt. So rarely does a game emerge in recent days that has such a simple premise - you're a cat!. But the world around you is very much not simple .. there's a LOT of environmental story telling to be told. The last time I played a game this steeped in it's own mysterious lore was probably 'Portal'.
Putting it simply .. this game was a real treat. The game delivered exactly what the trailer promised and more.
It took me about 10 hours to complete and I missed a few items and memories the first time around .. but will be more than happy to replay this soon.
Well done to all the artists, devs, sound design and music composers who worked on this game. In a world full of brainless 'Call of Duty' games and generic epic fantasy garbage .. this game is a diamond in the rough. An absolute gem .. and I can't wait to play it again.
Best part? .. Just let your kitty curl up and sleep and listen to his / her rhythmic purring. And I dare you NOT to hit the 'meow' button every few seconds.
Just lovely .. so glad I bought this game.