Such a stupid movie with so many holes in the plot. SPOILERS: Whatever point that they were trying to make about embryos failed to mention the fact that someone had to fertilize them--presumably the "adoptive" father and someone else on the biological mom's side. I was asked to go to this with a friend and the blatant preachy aspect of it made any point they were trying to make just impossible to consider. And after the daughter, who had already promised her kidney, was killed in a car accident, did they not immediately remove that kidney(s) to give to her mom? (Or at least have the doctor say that her kidneys were destroyed) This was such a dumb movie. All I could do to stay and watch was to pick it apart. She was about to marry her less attractive boyfriend but within a week feel in love with the studly guy. He tells her she needs to go back to her parents. SHE'S 24 YEARS OLD. She can fall in love and live and probably should not be living with her parents. Nashville and Birmingham are pretty close together if you want to visit. OK, I'm venting, but there's not enough time in the world to explain how awful this movie was, even Hallmark does a much better job. The girl who dies doesn't believe in god because she had bone spurs and couldn't dance, but literally everyone else is as devout as a saint. OK. Consider yourself warned. And, if you love it, good for you. I just wish I could have my money back.