Truly one of the greatest pieces of media I have ever consumed in my life, I honestly can't recall how many times I've gone back to revisit this masterpiece. The story alone is award winning but it is heightened so much by the incredible performances of all the cast really bringing each of their respective roles to life in a way I have never seen before. Now before I dive deeper into the amazing actors I'd like to talk about the gorgeous music, the breathtaking visuals and the story, which has admittedly stirred some controversy amongst fans.
The score in this moved me to tears, whoever directed the music is a master of the art and I believe they should be awarded for it if they haven't already.
Visually it is stunning in every way, shape and form. The cinematography is awe inspiring and I'd be lying if I said I'm not using one of its beautiful wide shots as my computer background right now haha.
Now the story, a lot of people believe that the story is subpar and is detrimental to the main characters goals and beliefs but I say those people just aren't smart enough to fully understand the complexities of this riveting story, although I'm afraid I can't get too much into it without spoilers but I'll say this to those that were disappointed in the story, try picking up a book once in your life and learn to think for yourself.
I have so much more to say but I'll have to leave it at that for now, but I just have to reiterate how important this game is to me. The Last of Us Part II is going to go down as one of the greatest pieces of media ever made and I hope you give it a chance Jake.
The Halo show is good too though, much better than the games. My opinion cannot be changed xoxo. ❤️