The movie is great. Many people might have found it appalling due to gory scenes involved but it delves deep into the reality of the porn industry. Rich man fetishes and human greed led to a poor girl's murder which was enabled by the fact that no one really cares about such people. Nicholas Cage portrays a really disturbed man who is devastated after watching a young girl being murdered and while he wishes all of it to be fake as he investigates the possibility diminishes. This perturbance in Cage's mind is also due to the fact that he is a father to a baby girl and seeing a 16-year-old girl being murdered in a film is deeply disturbing for any father. Also, his curiosity in finding out how can someone do such a cruel and inhumane thing to a poor girl leads him to make discovery about the dark nature of human beings. People like Eddie did it for money whereas beasts like Animal did it for the sake of sadistic pleasure. Nick's curiosity for finding out how this monster 'Animal' looks like shows that monsters exist in the human mask. The leather mask he was wearing was just a metaphor his actual mask is his own face beneath which a grotesque monster is concealed.