It's not as bad as what people are making it out to be, in my opinion. It has its flaws, but I saw one guy say it's worse than cyberpunk when it debuted and that's just a total hyperbole. It plays just fine. I only had it crash once and that typically happens when I'm playing cloud gaming on the original xbone. The AI is nothing to rave about, but when getting swarmed, they can be a bit of a challenge. The shroud is an interesting addition to an enemy with unique elements to throw you off your groove in combat. I'm only 5 hours in, so I'm sure there's more to witness. The art styles not the cleanest looking, yet I still appreciate it. The frames per second is the biggest grief amongst folks it seems. It noticeable, but doesn't bother me.
If you're a gamer who rates games like a wino rates fine wines, then fine, I get it. The game probably sucks to you. If you're a casual gamer looking for something moderately fun to play, then you'll probably get some entertainment out of this one. I'm sure some patches will make it all the better.