I am a huge original trilogy fan. Like most I loved the adventures of Luke Skywalker. The Prequels came some 30 years later. I loved them because they were Star Wars. They told a story we wanted to see but knew. Now that the last film has hit I can make formal comment on all three Disney films. The force awakens was a great film. Not perfect but I felt a lot of it was a rehash. We didn’t need to see another Death Star – Star Killer base. Obviously Star Killer what Luke Skywalker’s last name was going to be in the original trilogy. So I understand there was thought in the script. It was a first act to a three part play like The Phantom Menace was. The Last Jedi was a visual masterpiece. It really was, though the story was hard to swallow. Luke would not be a grumpy old man who gave up. He could have taught Rey and then confronted SNOKE and lost with dignity saving Rey and her friends. Finn has no story arc in this film and that is shown when Rose was turned into a major character from nowhere. She was a no one. Finn needed to sacrifice himself and the perfect moment he should have Rose saves him. SNOKE… OMG so many missed opportunities. Anyhow let’s move onto The Rise of Skywalker. (Spoilers) With the passing of our princess it was wonderful to see her in the last film. Her parts fit so hats off to Lucasfilm for making it work and allowing us to say goodbye. The idea of Emperor Palpatine returning without any hint in the last film only made it feel like it was a rush job. No explanation how he survived. (We find out later in a comment from Disney he was a clone). Disney need to stop the read the book to know more about the plot films. Stop it!. A film should answer ALL of my questions and I should NOT have to read comments or a book to know how something in a film happened. SNOKE was a clone and Palps used him as a vessel. That is just sloppy patchwork writing. Rey. This theory Rey was a Palpatine was a huge YouTube fan theory so it worries me that this idea may have come from fan forums. However. When she blew up the ship with Chewie on it I felt sad and worried for both Rey and Chewie. That was amazing film making but you spoiled it but later on finding out he was alive. The film had a few extra characters that were not needed and felt like an excuse to expand the toy franchise. But putting all this aside I enjoyed the film a lot. Crazy as it may seem I actually enjoyed the film and I agreed with Rey taking on the Skywalker name. However thinking about this does this mean Palpatine won in the end? Honestly he wiped out the Skywalker bloodline and put his grandchild with the weight of the new Jedi on her shoulders. Or is she retired now. I MUST SEE MORE. I demand to see what happened to REY next. I feel Disney need to tell that story as I feel as if there was not a end of the saga but a new beginning!.