I’ve been a huge Tolkien fan since the 70’s. I have read a lot of his work and loved every story of his I have read. I was super excited for this show to come out, and I really wanted it to be good. Rings of Power is an absolute disappointment. I can’t not believe how boring the dialogue is and the characters are just plan uninteresting. There is not one character I actually enjoy watching in this show. I tried to give it an honest effort to watch each episode, and try to find something positive to say about it however, I can’t sit through a single episode without being distracted by something else. Some of the cinematography is good, but a lot of it just looks over the top and too fake. But most importantly the writing of this show is some of the worst I have ever seen. It’s so bad, and why are they regurgitating lines from the Lord of the Rings……???? Sad and poorly done. It’s a shame, and I doubt I will continue to watch this show.