The start of the movie was very capturing. However, I started feeling uncomfortable soon after. The movie almost completely ignores Scripture. The Bible clearly states that Jesus casted 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene. The movie states that there was never any demons in Mary to begin with. One of the great things about the real Mary of Magdalene is that she was so deep in the grasps of evil but Jesus still redeemed her. In this movie she is almost portrayed as perfect from the very beginning. The movie made it seem like she was the only one who really understood Jesus and that she had to teach His apostles what He was really about. Putting her on this throne where it looks like she's better than everyone around her. The movie is clearly pushing the feminist agenda very hard.
The way they portrayed Jesus also made me feel highly uncomfortable. They made Him look so weak. He almost faints after every healing. It also looks like his main goal is to please Mary since he hosted a women exclusive ceremony right after she tells him that women have no say in the society. This Jesus seems so weak, physically and mentally. If this was the actor's attempt of trying to make Jesus look more humane, he failed miserably because all it did was weird me out.
They also subtly hint that there was something more going on between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, which you find nowhere in the Bible.
Aside from that, there's almost no qoutes from Scripture when Jesus talks. They wrote him his own speeches that the real Jesus never said. Aside from a very few elements like forgiveness, coming through on special occasions in some of his speeches, he doesn't say anything Biblical.
They weren't even trying to be Biblically accurate. It looks like they just needed inspiration so they took Mary of Magdalene and wrote an entirely different story of her.
I turned the movie off quarter way in because I became too uncomfortable with its inaccurate portrayal of Biblical events.
I was severely disappointed in this movie and would not recommend it to anyone.