As a lover of everything star wars, I was very disappointed with this series.
It was a struggle to watch every episode. The only exception were the fight scenes with the bad guy who single handedly killed more jedi than any other Star wars Villian (on screen) than any before. The Sith was only aspect of the show that was remotely relevant.
I do not want to condone this Woke attempt to recreate / change to George Lucas masterpieces.
Jedi have historically been absolute power houses, strong leaders with a great senses of right and wrong. This show portrayed them as cannon fodder, liars and quick to throw their colleagues under the bus. They forget they have powers and were forced to rely on a totally irrelevant dog like creature that they thought we cared about enough to ask the audience if we should refer to him as a they or he. I mean come on. It's an alien.
Do better.
Create a show with a focus on the sith - the world will love it.