Actually would've been so easy to provide a lore accurate Halo live action series like we were all hoping for, especially with the resources this tv show has to work with. For decades fans of the games and the actual Halo title have been praying for a live action tv show to see the story we know and love come to live action. Instead we got yet another corporation just tainting their own spin on an already beloved franchise to make money. We were all excited as Halo fans to see this show release and introduce our childhood to those who didn't play the games. To those watching who have not played the games just know this lie of a show isn't Halo and it never will be. If ii were Paramount i'd completely scrap this show and start from new following the actual story ACCURATELY. So much content to work with yet they chose to create their own silly story to write out and just slap the Halo name on it for use as click bait.