This is a heart wrenching slow movie...the actions in the movie makes zero sense when just trying to view it from the reality of the antagonists of the movie.....the cat somehow goes the entire movie without even a "meow", the cat somehow gets lost is the chaos of explosions and then somehow finds it's owner sitting in an alley of two buildings, the cat get submerged in water and don't act a cat like fool, not to mention all the silent non action gaps in the movie because they seemed to be trying to build some sort of emotional connection to the main actor...I forget her characters name. ALSO TRYING to build some sort of emotional and sometimes comical connection with her traveling partner the was just not a good movie. LAST thing why throughout all the alien type choas going on in the city....the main character entire goal was to go get a slice of pizza????? I get it she knew she was dying and thus chose to get back to her roots one last time, but to me that just made the movie longer and quite boring seeing as the action was supposed to be centered on the alien monsters