I cannot believe how bad it is. First, I love Russell Crowe. I HATE this movie. This movie is written by someone with serious issues. It is ridiculous, and every time nobody does the normal thing, but just lets this train wreck keep happening it’s maddening. None of this makes sense - Crowe is menacing as the absolute nut job he’s playing, a little over the top, but that’s not what kills this movie. There’s no suspense, it’s so ham-handed that it’s beyond ludicrous. Even the random mention of the FORTNITE strategy. Oh wait is that an example of foreshadowing?!?! Yeah all the subtlety of a Sherman tank there. Dear God, it just gets worse and worse. Every possible wrong decision is made by our heroine, people around her, and does nobody in this movie have a f^*^ing phone?!?! Yeah, if a psycho was hunting me down and killing my family, if I got away I’d definitely go to my Mom’s house, park right out front SO HE KNOWS WHERE TO FIND ME, and try to take him down myself with a golf club and some scissors. Then the ridiculous hero line as she deals the death blow. Come on, guys. The only reason this movie is it all predictable, is because Crowe is not the only one ‘unhinged’….Everyone else in this movie is acting like they don’t have a brain to share between them, or like they’re acting in a movie, a really, really bad movie. What a stinker.