Flanagan and company promote the idea that a winged, vampire like creature is an angel of God. Of the God Catholics worship to. I’m an agnostic, but I’ll be the first to defend a hit piece against a particular faith. Especially when it’s so blatantly obvious. To the contrary, the show runners intentionally portrayed Islam in an entirely different light. As a persecuted people that are truly righteous in their beliefs. It’s getting old. As a society in this day and age, are we really this stupid? Will we continue to let entertainers promote an anti-Christ agenda through “art”? It’s time to ask yourselves why. Why does the entertainment industry march in lockstep against Catholicism and Christianity? Why do you allow half wits with children’s ideas to keep funneling this garbage into millions of homes? Why are you paying the services that espouse these views? Why can’t you see the forest for the trees? Okay - back to your regularly scheduled programming.