You actually see the cops do their jobs but also some use the power of the badge to be disrespectful at times you see them do things that are unnecessary when a person is cuffed up like wat can a person do with cuffed hands yet still they like to be overly excessive in their duties and the black guy that hosts you can tell her is a prick by the lane jokes he tries to throw out there I just seen one episode where it's 6cops guns out toward a Mexican they tell to him do this then that confusing the guy on wat he should do finally he gets on the ground but they put the dog right in his face barking like crazy then they cuff the guy he asks them wat he do and all they say is shut up and while cuffed the cop has his hand on the guys neck from behind like he a child again unecessary when the guy is cuffed with 6 other cops around it's just power and racism at it's best