A perfect mix between the '04 film and Stage Musical!! Mixed with contemporary musical adaptations, cinematography and choreography!!
Add some motivation behind actions not seen in any version before, perfect casting and brilliant use of social media and you get this amazing movie musical!!
A believable and relatable Regina that embodies the Cautionary Tale with a lasting performance and vocals that are beyond impressive and greatness!! We love to hate her and then just love her!!
A Cady that is real and believable with perfect character development!
Janis is real, true and provides the turning point needed in this film. Vocals off the charts!!
Damian's comedy timing and soul is the perfect add-on!
Karen is fresh, new and hot!! Her 'Sexy' is a stand out!!
Each character does what they need to without copyong from what we have seen before.
You walk out saying to yourself "this is not better or worse than the OG or Stage version, but a stand alone and absolutely amazing in it's own right!!"
Each time we reheard an iconic line, it was not cringe or felt copied, you laughed and enjoyd it! Which cannot be said for many remakes, reboots or adaptation. Many of the changes or add-ins, was welcoming and felt like things we have missed from previous versions.
This is a movie I would be rewatching over and over again!
Tina Fey was, is and will always be a brilliant writer!!!