Ozzy...nuff said. After Black Sabbath and solo you'd think he was a believer of sorts.
Ok, if there is a Bigfoot, probably knows by now human nature. We will either exploit it (zoo, theater.. like King Kong), or kill it to prove it exists, like a trophy. Why hasn't anyone found a colony of them?
Same thing with aliens, if they exist, probably won't land and say hello... because what humans don't understand, they either fear it and try to destroy it, or exploit it and make lots of money.
This is better than all the other ones I've seen. For one, OZZY!!!
And Sharon.... priceless. You're a beautiful lady. How dare Jack refer the queen as a "lizard"..!!!! That was cool.
Paranormal: Fact or Faked, same channel as your show, has proven some of the videos you have shown, were fake, or caused by natural events, like the swing set... middle one swinging, was actually the wind blowing...... among others...