I like to always like to start with the positive … the house used in the film is beautiful.
Now for the review:
Super embarrassing to see these formerly world class actors in this hot flaming tu*d of a so-called movie. Just wow…so terrible! The awkward angles and shots felt like an overzealous student film. There was a complete lack of chemistry all the way around this cast and compensating by overacting was painful to watch. We kept hanging on thinking it would get better but it just went on and on and on. The overt Starbucks placement felt straight out of Austin Powers parody! And what’s up with promoting smoking “I know you like to sneak a cig and I want you to enjoy yourself” followed up by vaping weed poolside - seriously? Why are these actors ok with this absolute garbage? They need to have a serious talk with their agents.
I wish I could get back the 2.5 hours of my life wasted watching this. Sigh…