So far I am not impressed to say the least, it had so much potential but they botched it from the very beginning. I get that it's his "new take" on it but it's not what everyone wants. Like most others I grew up with He-Man in the 80's and I would rather go back and watch those again, yes it was kinda cheesy even for back then but it worked, He-Man never died nor did anyone else find out who he really was with the exception of the select few that did. I am not against the LGBTQ community but we are exposed to enough of it in our daily lives that when I get home to relax and turn on the TV I don't need to have it shoved down my throat in some shape or form. It seems like the writers feel they have to include this so they don't get negative feedback from that crowd. Honestly I liked TV much better when growing up it wasn't even a thing back then but today it is very hard to find a decent show to watch that doesn't involve same sex couples. If you like to watch that kind of stuff then fine go ahead, it doesn't mean that I have too. I don't see this new reboot of He-Man lasting for very long, if it's anything like Netflix's other content they will run it for a few short seasons and then pull the plug.