I regret to inform you that the movie that was just watched aka "Crawl" turned out to be a disgrace. First of all, why is it named crawl???????????? When did the blonde crawl???? Did the alligators crawl????? why is it crawl I don't know and I don't understand. Secondly, this movie educated me on the fact alligators can go through bricks but they cannot break doors or go through pipes and shower screens. Thirdly, I am now also educated on the fact olympic swimmers are faster than alligators who literally live and thrive in the water. Also when bitten, olympic swimmers' limbs are stronger than the jaws of an alligator and the alligator will simply do 360s under the water for about 10years without killing its prey simply ignoring its intended purpose and nature in life. Another issue I have come to realise is that they live next to a lake of alligators and yet have had no issues with them up until now? Were alligators unable to walk on land until the hurricane gave them walking abilities? Who knows, not me clearly. Lastly, I feel now that I am fully equipped and prepared to fight an alligator should I ever feel endangered by them. This movie taught me that flares, rodent cages, and screwdrivers are some of the many tools I can use to fight off a 4.6m and 230kg alligator efficiently (note the sarcasm).