The game needs a casual gamer difficulty level. One of biggest problems for me is not enough waypoints for advancement. If you die by a boss, the boss resets to full strength unlike Diablo 2 where you could just grind them down and die as much as you need to in order to beat them. When I beat capstone nightmare boss, I thought I was through only to run into yet another boss who killed me. I was tired of the game so I shut it off only to find out the next day that all my progress beating the lieutenants and the first boss were gone. The game is just not fun if I struggle to do well. Games were made for us to enjoy. They are supposed to be fun, if they are not then they were poorly made as is Diablo 4. Too hard and grindy. I die all day at work in real life. I don't want to do it in a game. Make an easy mode.