I’m debating on 3 stars but I was so happy to see something I personally related to. The Montana and Salt&Peppa references for her happy place was amazing because that’s exactly where I go. So the star is for that.
Other than that I did like how they show how complicated getting assistance can be, and how it kind of runs in circles. I also liked how it shows you have to spend money to make money and how difficult that is when you’re flat broke. There were some great portrayed situations she was in that I’ve personally been through while going through similar situations.
However, her choices to screw herself over countless times is ridiculous. Why she stays with a job that only gives 30 hours and costs money to work there to the extreme. If she’s so smart why didn’t she look for other work? It’s absolutely true that jobs don’t care about you, and it’s hard to find one that does but what she went through was ridiculous. Why stay, it was like she left her abusive boyfriend to get an abusive employer. The fact that there are better options like her sober father or that hot beard guy, and Regina. I feel like she chose the worst situations possible over and over. As someone who’s been in a codependent abusive relationship and has gone back countless times, I understood that more than anything. Especially when he helps with her parents and is so good at dealing with them, I understand why she felt like going back. It’s a cliche circle jerk of mommy daddy issues. Totally relevant. But most of the show was over the top with mistakes she made that made everything twice as hard.
Also you can’t serve papers yourself if you’re the defendant or respondent. And you can’t have your crazy mother with you in student housing .