I don’t really like this show because it doesn’t feel like a Godzilla show. It feels more like a knock off that got mistaken for a Godzilla anime. The tone of the anime feels more like a comedy than a monster movie. The main characters are practically if not entirely Mary Sues and stereotypes. The monsters feel like budget versions of themselves and jet Jaguar looks dumb and derpy. Now granted I’m only on episode six so my opinion might change but this brings up another problem. I’m on episode six and there hasn’t been a single word about Godzilla the closest thing to Godzilla is a pile of bones and his theme song. Here’s my final complaint the plot doesn’t really make sense. The plot revolves around this red dust that all the monsters are connected to somehow and the red dust is this partical thing from another dimension that’s needlessly complicated and entirely unnecessary. In all not my cup of tea.