Venturing into this supposedly thrilling movie was akin to navigating a labyrinth of disappointment. The initial promise of suspense crumbled as the plot failed to materialize, leaving the first half drowning in mundane conversations.Appealed by glowing ratings, I found myself in the midst of a cinematic disaster where logic had evidently left the chat.
The storyline, if one could call it that, resembled a chaotic puzzle missing crucial pieces. Characters engaged in dialogues so insipid that storytelling itself seemed to gasp for breath. The director's audacious attempt at crafting tension left me questioning the very nature of thrill.
To those who bestowed acclaim upon this production, I salute your endurance. Regrettably, the hours invested in this cinematic calamity cannot be reclaimed. The mere thought of a repeat viewing sends shivers down my spine. This movie stands as a cautionary tale, a monument to the art of storytelling gone awry.