Epic comedy by Ayushman, an unemployed person seeking a job, has a talent to play ladies roles in Drama and also capable of dubbing of lady voice. Through his talent and bad luck finally he got a job as a replacement of Pooja who was a call centre executive. This call centre job is to make long conversation with lonely peoples. Soon he become famous and Lovely personality (POOJA) in town called Gokul with his lovely voice and nature.. Policeman, his becoming brother in law, a lady and even his father also do fell in love with Pooja.. Whole comic scenario gets into a trouble scenario.. Ayushman and Annu kapoor (father character) played their role fantastically. Movie is full of entertainment, even after the interval session is awsome.. Also a good massage to the society on use of social media.
Kudos to the director on his debut film.. Good and entertaining movie ..7.5 /10 ..