If you read a book series once and remember some names and dont care about following the story line, then this is your show. If you are a fan of the original 11 books( pre-Sanderon) and have listened or read them numerous times, then just click over this one.
Perrin married? Egwene and Rand having sex before leaving home? Matt a thief and tweaker?
Definitely Sanderson had a hand in rewriting the characters to be unrecognizable, plus injecting and focusing on characters that have no purpose at all to the story. (Stepin). Adding sex scenes for the sake of putting it out there just means the writers had no clue about the books, and totally confused on character development.
I tried watching as if I never read the series, but got totally confused and lost the plot.
Going to TRY and watch the rest of the season and see if SOMEONE comes to thier senses.
Not looking good so far....